The beginning of July has seen a flurry of Cyclekart activity: Two cars have been put underway and are racing to get ready for the August Vintage Week. Mike Stevenson is finally building her Whitney Straight Maerati and Brandt Bates is at work on his steed-of-choice, an ERA. |
Van posing by the new Maser on the 8th of July. This car is already starting to look good; we can't wait to start on the foam and glass... |
Brandt Bates trying out the feel of his ERA. This car is going together fast and strong; it's really been cooperating so far. These are going to be a good pair of cars. |
The Master at work...Peter shaping the Maser's nose. |
The Maserati starting to like like a real machine! |
Norman, Brandt, and Peter at work on the Fourth of July. Surprisingly good weather for the Fourth. As usual, the Mule is helping outa couple of days later it got put to work hauling wood at the Bates' new Carrera Valezuela track. |
Mike showing off a rear spring mount for the Maser... |
...and Brandt working on his steering wheel. |
A detail shot of the Maserati front suspension. |
And one of the ERA. |