The Opening Of A New Track!
As usual, the pics click through to larger versions (except above.) |
The opening of the Bates' new track was a success, and more so as Chip had us over only two days after Jan Bates had had 30+ people over for Thanksgiving! Well done Bates Family!
The track was still a bit bumpy in areas, but it's certainly getting better. By next summer it will be pretty well seasoned by the rain and Brandt Bates giving it a daily run or two. Said rain cooperated well for Chip's gathering, as it threatened all day but didn't start in earnest until the night after. The cool, moist air gave the cars a little extra vim and vigorthose extra half-horsepowers add up!
The Gracious Bates' |
We all had a chance to try out the track, and we even managed to Janis Mysona out for a spin (It looked like she started to get the bug, so I expect the Mysona's next car to have two sets of seats.) The parade lap was fun, as eight cars is a new AMCK grid-size record. Everything went smoothly until the second lap with eight cars on the track. Speeds went way up (and braking distance.) A tightening up at the last turn led to a couple of shunts: Norman bent the tail of Jim's car which, very unfortunately, was the final straw for his front axle. It folded on the right side and the Lea-Francis was out for the day. Too bad, but we'll see it back on the tracks soon. |
The Delage almost stopped in time, but didn't quite make it. I managed to bang into Peter (driving the Bugatti) hard enough to knock him forward a bit, but the cars didn't get more than paint scrape (happily.) Both the Bug and Jim's T have the aluminium boat-tails, and both stood up really well. We were surprised at how strong they turned out to be. The two-car-at-a-time rule seems to be valid. All of the other runs seemed to be pretty well in hand; though a few were on the fast side, everyone kept things under control. A fun time was had, even on the way back in the rain the next morning! |

Chip's wall turn really worked out well; it's a very picturesque spot to watch the action.

Shannon got some great pics of Jan and Van out for a run in the two new cars.

David and Brandt looking forward to rearranging the gravel.

Shannon getting some track time in the MG.

Us looking a little Christmas-picture-like.

It was fun to have Bill Stevenson up from San Diego for the weekend. Bill's place down south being the original track for all the coasting and early C-K testing. His Brescia Bug is still in progress.
Van and Shannon enjoying themselves after a little motoring.

Chip giving Brandt's ERA a quick look-see.

Peter's motorbike even got a bit of excercise. I was surprised at how well it handled the track; pretty fun.

Chip let us put the cars in their garage overnight, which was nice. It started raining over the evening and the run back to Falling Pines the next morning was damp but lots of fun!
Driver Portraits...

Our Thanks again to the Bates' for a fun event!
Little Movies...
The Viewing of the Cars... |
Brandt showing everyone the course. |
David following along. |
Peter warming up the MG. |
Taking a break for a glass or two. |
Brandt laying it around a turn. |
Jim giving the course a try. |
The Parade Lap! |
David finding the groove. |
Janis taking a lap. |
David drifting it. |
Brandt and David at it. |
David getting up to speed. |
Mike giving chase. |
Mike and David motoring along. |
Good fun! |